Compile-time dependency injection

If you prefer to wire everything together with compile-time dependency, you don't need to create a custom module or add DeadboltModule to play.modules.

Instead, dependencies are handled using a custom ApplicationLoader. To make things easier, various Deadbolt components are made available via the be.objectify.deadbolt.scala.DeadboltComponents trait. You will still need to provide a couple of things, such as your HandlerCache implementation, and you'll then have access to all the usual pieces of Deadbolt.

Here's an example ApplicationLoader for compile-time DI.

class CompileTimeDiApplicationLoader extends ApplicationLoader  {
  override def load(context: Context): Application 
             = new ApplicationComponents(context).application

class ApplicationComponents(context: Context) 
                            extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) 
                            with DeadboltComponents
                            with EhCacheComponents {

  // Define a pattern cache implementation
  // defaultCacheApi is a component from EhCacheComponents
  override lazy val patternCache: PatternCache = new DefaultPatternCache(defaultCacheApi)

  // Declare something required by MyHandlerCache
  lazy val subjectDao: SubjectDao = new TestSubjectDao

  // Specify the DeadboltHandler implementation to use
  override lazy val handlers: HandlerCache = new MyHandlerCache(subjectDao) 

  // everything from here down is application-level
  // configuration, unrelated to Deadbolt, such as controllers, routers, etc
  // ...

The components provided by Deadbolt are

  • scalaAnalyzer - constraint logic
  • deadboltActions - for composing actions
  • actionBuilders - for building actions
  • viewSupport - for template constraints
  • patternCache - for caching regular expressions. You need to define this yourself in the application loader, but as in the example above it's easy to use the default implementation
  • handlers - the implementation of HandlerCache that you provide
  • configuration - the application configuration
  • ecContextProvider - the execution context for concurrent operations. Defaults to
  • templateFailureListenerProvider - for listening to Deadbolt-related errors that occur when rendering templates. Defaults to a no-operation implementation.

Once you've defined your ApplicationLoader, you need to add it to your application.conf.

play {
  application {